The Smith Family

The Smith Family Manga - Season 1

Season 1 ran from September 2023 to January 2024.

It focused on the Smith Family itself and some friends

Episode 1
Episode 1 promotion  
The Smith Family watches the TV news

The Smiths turn on the morning finance report on TV and sparks fly within the household after Emma innocently asks: Where does the money come from?

Kevin sets out on mission.

September 22, 2023
Episode 2
Episode 2 promotion  
Kevin confronts Ryan with the facts

Kevin is late home from school because he has been reading a blog about money.

Armed with new information he confronts Ryan who loses it.

September 29, 2023
Episode 3
Episode 3 promotion  
Elizabeth does some arithmetic!

In her spare time, Elizabeth reads a blog post that Kevin mentioned.

She tries to engage Ryan about what she has learned and he is in denial.

October 6, 2023
Episode 4
Episode 4 promotion  
Chris turns up and talks money!

Bank analyst Chris turns up at the Smith's and Kevin asks for support.

Ryan asks who Ben Berstanke is, and reveals his ignorance.

October 13, 2023
Episode 5
Episode 5 promotion  
The Smith family take a trip to Kyoto

The Smiths take a holiday to Japan to see Elizabeth's best mate Mariko.

Ryan is bored and can't get his head around government investment.

October 20, 2023
Episode 6
Episode 6 promotion  
Discussions at a local tea house in Kyoto!

Mariko and Elizabeth discuss Groupthink and the economic commentary on TV at a tea house.

Mariko challenges Elizabeth about Chris's previous affections.

October 27, 2023
Episode 7
Episode 7 promotion  
The Smith and Fujii families meet for lunch

The Smiths try to make sense of why fiscal deficits do not lead to higher interest rates.

Hiroshi lures Ryan into seeing why crowding out cannot occur but Ryan is blind to his own logic.

November 10, 2023
Episode 8
Episode 8 promotion  
A garden walk and talk turns to money

At a famous Buddist temple, Hiroshi explains why fiscal deficits stimulate private saving.

Ryan is getting a lesson in why financial crowding out cannot be true in the real world.

November 24, 2023
Episode 9
Episode 9 promotion  
Back home to a debt mountain

The Smiths arrive home and taxi driver Mark Harding relates debt mountain news crippling the nation.

Ryan repeats Prof. Noitawl 'every man, woman and child is owed $40,000 each'. Emma wants her cash!

December 8, 2023
Episode 10
Episode 10 promotion  
Ryan gets confused about tax burdens

Mark takes the Smiths home via the new tunnel, built by government to provide benefits for years to come.

Ryan knows it will save time but is confused as to who will pay. Emma knows the kids have a new park.

December 22, 2023
Episode 11
Episode 11 promotion  
Things begin to click except for Ryan

Bbanker Chris explains to Kevin how modern banks work with Ryan continually butting in.

Elizabeth and Kevin start to understand but Ryan is resistant. Even little Emma displays innocent wisdom.

January 5, 2024
Episode 12
Episode 12 promotion  
The central bank has the power

Chris ties to convince Elizabeth to leave Ryan - by SMS. Not the best move.

At the annual community party tensions within the community rise and George is arrested by police.

January 19, 2024

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