Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) MOOC - Open Access

Week 1 Banner

Week One - Topics, Media and Study Guides

There are several topics covered in each week with accompanying text, video and other learning material available.

It is entirely up to you in which order you proceed, but the course has been designed to be followed in a sequential way.

As a conservation measure, we prefer that you do not print the written material out.

1.1 The Household Budget Analogy 1.2 The origins of macroeconomics 1.3 Flows and Stocks 1.4 Real and Nominal GDP 1.5 Potential GDP 1.6 The stylised facts in macroeconomics 1.7 Interview with Dr Scott Ferguson 1.8 Interview with Dr Louisa Connors 1.9 Reading between the lines Week 1 Quiz

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