MMTed offers on-line, interactive tuition in Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).
Students receive first-class tuition from well-known professors in small classes facilitated via an on-line video platform (real-time and pre-recorded) and can access learning materials in digital and hard-copy formats.
We also offer Masterclasses that are staged at venues around the major cities of the world (suspended during pandemic).
MMTed does not hold itself out as an award-conferring educational institution under any national accreditation jurisdiction. It operates in the long-standing tradition of the Free University (although some costs might be recovered).
MMTed is a project run by the - Centre of Full Employment and Equity - and one of the MMT founders, Professor William Mitchell is the Director.
The Smith Family are a middle-class family living in a city somewhere in the world. The second-generation parents are university educated and have professional occupations. Their two kids attend the local public school.
Follow them each fortnight through Season 1 as they traverse their daily lives and confront the reality of human frailty and the limits of their knowledge.
This Manga series which is available in both the English and Japanese language. You can select your preferred language once you access the site. There is no charge to access the learning materials.
Have some fun and learn MMT!
Information on accessing teaching materials will be notified in due course.
MMTed will draw on a range of materials for its educational program but will also use the new textbook - Macroeconomics - published by Macmillan in February 2019.
This is a two-semester, University-level sequence in Macroeconomics and will form the basis of the program offered.
Information on governance, management staff and other structure will be available in due course.
Initial enquiries should be directed to Professor William Mitchell - see below.
Information on enrolment procedures will be available in due course.