Depending on the depth of knowledge that you seek, there are two books that MMTed recommends that will advance your knowledge of Modern Monetary Theory.
The first is a university level textbook that provides an thorough treatment of Macroeconomics.
The second is more targetted at the layperson and provides material covering the providence of MMT, the historical context, some autobiographical information from the founders William Mitchell and Warren Mosler, and a comprehensive treatment of the core MMT concepts and applications.
The MMTed MOOC covers some of the material that is explained in more detail in the textbook - Macroeconomics - published by Bloomsbury Press in February 2019.
This is a two-semester, University-level sequence in Macroeconomics and is available on-line at most booksellers.
A second edition is to be published in 2025.
This book is aimed at the layperson who desires a solid introduction to MMT.
It covers the core concepts developed in the MOOC but not at the depth provided by the Macroeconomics textbook
You can find more information about the book from the publishers page - Modern Monetary Theory: Bill and Warren's Excellent Adventure - published by Lola Books in July 2024.